“I found your Assortment Styler information last year was very valuable to us as a mid-sized company, like none that I have come across in my experience of working in the industry. I look forward to the new edition.”
How Can Research Support and Improve Your Marketing?
Marketing is another word for messaging. Everything you do to get a product sold is about messaging. From the design of the product to the quality to the packaging and advertising, every aspect of a product carries a message with it. It may say “unique.” It may say “this will do the job better than any other product.” It may say “this is something I’ve got to own to reflect my personal status.” We hope it says “quality.” The key to successful marketing is that the correct messages get to the correct people. Both sides of that equation are fundamental to success.
The correct message conveys the most important benefits/features of the product. Most products have more than one benefit/feature. Your messaging needs to reflect the benefits that both define the product (Does it have a premium market position? If so, why? What about it says “premium”?) and sell the product (What are the unique benefits? Why should you buy this product versus other such products?) .
Research can identify the right messaging in multiple ways. Consumers can rate or rank lists of features/benefits on their importance in the purchase decision. We can ask them to associate monetary value to features to understand what consumers are willing to pay for, or not pay for, specific features. We can test in different cells with or without specific features to measure how purchase intent changes.
The other half of the marketing messaging equation relates to where the message is received. Suppose we’ve already tested the messages and know which messages are most important to defining and selling the product. Research can identify who those messages appeal to. What are the demographics and lifestyles of consumers who want this product? Are they male or female? Younger or older? Families or singles? Health Enthusiasts or Cooking Enthusiasts? Gourmet cooks or beginners? Once you know who the target is, every aspect of your marketing/messaging should be adjusted to reach for and appeal to that target. Imagery should reflect the right home environment (Mom cooking with children playing in the background? Couple enjoying quiet, romantic dinner?) and should be communicated via the right channels (packaging, print, in-store, your website, social media, etc.).
Research can help you with both sides of the marketing/messaging equation. Don’t assume your products’ benefits are self-evident or that your consumers will find you. Call us today (609-896-1108 or Rick@designres.com) to reach out and find them with the right product via the right message.