Research for Licensing and Branding Decisions

Is a license right for your company?  If so, which license/partnership is right for your brand?   Is it a good, consistent fit or will it take perception and positioning of your brand into new and uncharted waters.  Should you invest in a creating a new brand or a sub-brand?  What are the pros and cons of each of these?  What will deliver the greatest return on your investment:  a license, a sub-brand, a new brand or just doing what you always do with your current brand(s)?   Importantly, which will provide the highest incremental gain, bringing a new consumer franchise, with the least cannibalization of your current brand(s)?   These are tricky questions that involve a lot of internal and external tactical and strategic issues.  We can help you through the external issues by using advanced research techniques that can simulate market share for each of these alternatives versus a do it as you always have scenario.  The results may surprise you. 

Typical project timing:  5-6 weeks