“Anyone who launches new products will immediately appreciate the power of this resource to influence design direction, target appropriate price points, and select materials with high consumer appeal. What I love most is that it facilitates open and powerful discussions across the marketing, design and business teams. It minimizes reliance on “the gut feel” of just one individual in an organization and helps create a unified vision for success.”
Packaging studies have a lot in common with advertising communications studies. Both seek to test whether a given creative effort does the job of communicating the key message the brand wants to convey about the brand and/or the product, and importantly, motivate purchase. As with communications studies, we may not advocate proceeding with the execution consumers like best. We advocate proceeding with the execution that best communicates the tactical or strategic message, preferably statistically better than the existing execution (if there is one to compare with), and the one that most motivates purchase interest.
Typical Project Timing: 3 weeks