"Assortment Styler is the only research tool that could provide us with a systematic and quantified overview of the trends within home design, with the detail necessary to provide insights beyond color and general style. It has been an invaluable tool for better streamlining our resources in product development to ensure the best possible fit into overall home décor trend direction.”
Who writes your manuals? Marketing? Engineering? Legal? Have you ever read your manuals? Have you ever found yourself with an instruction manual for something you just bought, puzzling over it? Have you ever consulted the manual because something seemed not quite right only to find that the manual didn’t address that problem?
A key part of your brand promise should be providing a clear, concise, well-written instruction manual with every product. It doesn’t matter whether that manual is printed and shipped with the product or if it is available online. Either way, the instructions are part of the product and a reflection on how much your company cares about its products AND its customers.
Design Research believes that every product instruction manual should have these qualities:
- Available in the box
- Available online (scan code on box or product to access)
- Updated regularly online to reflect product updates
- Specific to a single product, not a group of products that may or may not have some features
- Written in clear, concise language
- All languages should be tested for accuracy by knowledgeable sources
- Illustrations and photos should be generous, clear and clearly labeled
- Use your brand voice! Feel free to make it entertaining and fun!
Design Research offers a very low cost Product Manual Evaluation Service. $100/hour with a 2 hour minimum. This service is conducted by Design Research’s senior associates. (Note that this is not a recipe testing service. We will test a sample recipe in order to evaluate how the instructions explain the use of the product, but we do not test recipes for quality of recipe in THIS service. However we do have a partner that does specialize in this so let us know if you have a need for either recipe testing OR recipe creation!). To assure your success and to make your customers happy be sure to utilize our Product Manual Evaluation Service.